International Alternative Networks

The global network of alternative communications is emerging and expanding. Its strength is due to the collaboration of social movements organizing campaigns as well as media reform campaigns which adapt information and communication to the advantage of everyone. These networks differ in terms of space, type and focus but are united by their non-commercial character and opposition to imperialist power structures. International alternative networks comprise non-profit groups, individuals, and local sites that advocate the idea of democratizing information as well as encouraging communication reforms. They also create new networks of communication that facilitate local connections, regional changes and global ones with respect to social movements. They also build a lattice of regional, local-local (especially south-south) and trans-national connections that bypass imperial north-south patterns.

Around the globe Alternative media projects began to be noticed in the early 1990s. They took advantage of the newly-available alternatives to the corporate production media channels to spread their message of empowerment of consumers and empowerment of communities. Initially they were local, but then merged, and linked across the national and regional boundaries to create a larger media option for everyone.

These alternatives, unlike the traditional infrastructure of communications that relies heavily on capital investment, depend on volunteers to assist them. They are able to provide customers with lower costs and more flexible plans. They can also set up infrastructure more quickly, allowing the faster deployment of 5G technology as well as a larger expansion of coverage areas. This can assist businesses to compete more effectively in the marketplace by making sure their customers have access to the latest technologies.

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