Zortrax M200 Replacement Spool Holder

by EnterpriseXDDesign 15 September 2017 in Zortrax Parts

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License: BSD License

Since I’ve started using third-party filaments on my M200 I’ve noticed some of the spools I’ve been getting have been too wide to fit onto the standard spool-holder provided with the printer. The standard unit is also printed vertically which means there is a like of weakness at the point where the holder fits onto the printer (when I originally unpacked my M200 the spool holder broke and I had to epoxy it back together before I could use the printer).

I decided to have a go at redesigning the original to be a little longer and a lot stronger. It’s now printed from side to side, which means that there are no lines of weakness at points where the holder can break. I’ve just finished designing it and it SHOULD work, I’m making a test print of it now to make absolutely sure. I’ll keep you posted…

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Zortrax M200 Replacement Spool Holder

Zortrax M200 Replacement Spool Holder

by EnterpriseXDDesign
Views 6563
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Downloads 1746
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