by 11 September 2016 in Zortrax Parts
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I tried several Tube Holders before i decided to combine the several advantages in my own tube guide design.
Printed with Z-ABS Layer Thickness 0.14mm High Infill Normal Speed
Attach the guide to the Printercase and lock it with the pin. That`s it.
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very bad design … useless
Works fine since more than 10 month…Great words for someone who did not even publicate a single project, by the way.
C’est le design le plus fiable que j’ai trouvé pour la M200. Good work
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very bad design … useless
Works fine since more than 10 month…Great words for someone who did not even publicate a single project, by the way.
C’est le design le plus fiable que j’ai trouvé pour la M200. Good work
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