Shield and Shell for bed connector

by Vinz6vinZ 9 January 2017 in Zortrax Parts

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License: Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial

Please use the Shell_v2.stl.
The previous version was too high and would probably disconnect your hotbed if printing large model.

Two small parts who will help you :-)

“Shield” is for prevent spatula damage when removing parts. (it’s inspired and remix from an other project)

“Shell” is an add-on for the tiny connector (the one with three wires) who prevents from torsions and/or bad manipulations.

Hope it will help you and save your Zortrax !

1 Comment

  • Profile photo of mfluck
    | 6 years 8 months ago

    La protection pour le petit connecteur n’est pas dans le fichier téléchargeable. est-ce normal?
    The Shell” for the tiny connector is not in the downloadable file. is it logical?

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    Shield and Shell for bed connector

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